IDEA (或 Studio ) 文件名颜色分别表示的意思
在IDEA 编辑器里,有着各种颜色的文件, 它们代表的意思是什么呢? 如下
其实,这主要和你的版本控制工具相关 绿色,已经加入控制暂未提交 红色,未加入版本控制 蓝色,加入,已提交,有改动 白色,加入,已提交,无改动 灰色:版本控制已忽略文件。 另外: 些文件名的颜色都是可以修改的,颜色的意义是根据你的设置看的。1、打开settings 2、Editor
3、File Status所有的文件颜色都在这里设置。
In this section:
Icon | Description |
Class | |
Abstract class | |
Annotation | |
Enumeration | |
Exception | |
Final Java class | |
Interface | |
Java class that contains declaration of the main() method. | |
Test case | |
Java class located out of the source root. Refer to the section for details. | |
Java class . | |
Method | |
Abstract method | |
Field | |
Variable | |
Property | |
Parameter | |
Element | |
Directory | |
Module | |
Group of modules | |
Package | |
Visibility modifiers | |
Read-only class, e.g. from a jar of an external library. | |
private | |
protected | |
package protected | |
static | |
public |
Data Sources
Icon | Description |
DB data source. Also, DBMS-specific icons are used:
| |
DB data source with the read-only status, e.g. for DB2. | |
DDL data source | |
Schema | |
Table | |
View | |
Column | |
A NOT NULL column | |
Column with a primary key | |
Column with a foreign key | |
Column with an index | |
Primary key | |
Foreign key | |
Index | |
Trigger | |